The popular Demon Slayer anime series is set to end its journey with a trilogy of movies, adapting the final and highly anticipated “Infinity Castle Arc.” This news may come as a surprise to some, but many fans have been expecting it. Especially after the massive success of the Kimetsu no Yaiba: Mugen Train film.
The information about the adaptation of the “Infinity Castle Arc” into a movie trilogy leaked from Jump Victory Carnival’s website but it was removed later. However, this leak has caused a huge amount of uproar of speculation and excitement among anime fans.
The decision to adapt the climax of the Demon Slayer anime into movies comes after the massive success of the Mugen Train film in 2020. The film grossed over $507 million at the Global Box Office, becoming the Highest-Grossing Japanese Film of All Time. It also broke records for DVD and Blu-ray sales. It was sold over 1.67 million copies and became the Third Best-Selling Anime Film on Home Media.
The Demon Slayer manga and anime have both become cultural phenomena in Japan. The manga series had over 3.5 million copies in circulation before the premiere of the anime in February 2019. By February 2021, after the release of the Mugen Train film, the manga series had crossed over an incredible 150 million copies in circulation.
The viewership of the Demon Slayer anime on traditional TV has also been impressive. The fourth season, which premiered last month, achieved a viewership of 14.7 million with its first episode and scored a rating of 11.7% in Japan with Live and 7 Days of DVR Viewing. The anime was also the Second Most-Watched TV Show in Japan during the week of its premiere.
While not much is known about the specifics of the movie adaptations for the finale of Demon Slayer, fans have already experienced the franchise on the big screen with the Swordsmith Village Arc and Hashira Training Arc’s Special Premiere Movies grossing over $60 million globally. The anticipation and excitement for the final and most action-packed arc is expected to be off the charts.
The decision to adapt the “Infinity Castle Arc” as a trilogy of movies marks a departure from the traditional television format. However, given the stunning animation and production quality delivered by Ufotable, the studio behind Demon Slayer, it is a decision that will allow fans to experience the epic scale and intensity of the series on the big screen.
The release date for the “Infinity Castle Arc” of Demon Slayer is not explicitly mentioned. However, there are indications that the arc will be adapted into a trilogy of movies, serving as the finale for the anime series. The leaked information suggests that the movies will be released after their theatrical debut, possibly on streaming platforms.
The climax of Demon Slayer promises to deliver an unforgettable cinematic experience. And all fans can expect Ufotable to elevate their game even further for the final three movies. The excitement and anticipation among fans are at an all-time high, and it is clear that this fandom will eagerly await the release of the Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle Arc Film Trilogy.
Are you excited for the Demon Slayer: Infinity Castle Arc Film Trilogy? Let us know in the comments!